
Success Stories


  • Education: university
  • Hobbies: sports, travel, movies
  • Motto: It's better with two.
Another story

My journey

David, you've been with the company since 2016. How did your interview go and what convinced you?

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After graduating from university, I was looking for a job in the job market and like most graduates, I asked friends and acquaintances if they knew of anything. One of them happened to be the current director of the RESPECT branch in České Budějovice, Zdeněk Doležal. Zdeněk recommended RESPECT to me as a good choice to start my career and passed on his experience with RESPECT. Coincidentally, at that time I was looking for a replacement in the international department, which was very attractive to me. First, however, a meeting was held with the then HR Director, Katka Oellerich, to present our visions and to assess whether the expectations of both parties matched. The first meeting was successful and the second was to take place, with the now Director of International, Tomas Micka. This meeting was already more detailed, where, in addition to introducing the position and job description, my knowledge and communication skills were tested. As a result, everything had a positive effect on me and a great motivation for me was to work in the international department, where I could be constantly in "contact" with foreign languages, which is priceless nowadays. So when I got the information from Katka that I would be suitable for this position in the company, I did not hesitate for long and accepted the offer.

How was your journey through RESPECT? What do you enjoy about working in the insurance industry?

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I started working at RESPECT as a "Broker Assistant" in the international department. At first it was a difficult period for me, due to the fact that I had no experience in the field and had to learn everything from the very basics. The insurance industry is not an easy field as you need to be very proficient so that you can advise large trading companies from different sectors. So, it took me quite a long time to be able to "soak up" the necessary expertise and be an independent entity. At the same time I was learning to deal with owners, directors and managers of companies, first under the guidance of my supervisor Tomáš Micky and then independently. Now, after more than 3 years since joining, I have already developed into a full-fledged broker, but I definitely cannot say that I already know and know everything, as in this business one learns throughout life. However, I am much more experienced than when I started and feel much more confident in my day to day work with clients. This is both fulfilling and fun, knowing that I no longer have to rely on others, but can advise clients myself.

What do you like/dislike about RESPECT?

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What I like about RESPECT is that it tries to create a pleasant environment for its employees, whether in the area of facilities, which have recently been modernized quite significantly, or in the area of employee benefits, where the "call" for the now very popular home offices has been heard. On the other hand, I would like to see the company not be afraid to give more chances to young colleagues and follow the trends of modern companies.

Jaký by měl být a co bys doporučil uchazeči o práci v RESPECTu - na co by se měl připravit?

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Potenciální uchazeč by měl být trpělivý, v RESPECTu totiž dostane přesně to, co si zaslouží, což může být, zejména u uchazečů mimo obor, běh na delší trať. Pokud by už byl uchazeč o zaměstnání z oboru, bude mít velkou výhodu, jelikož by pak adaptace byla mnohem snazší a kratší. V RESPECTu se velmi dbá na vzdělávací systém, který se na první dojem zdá být až příliš obsáhlý, ale ve výsledku chápu, že se firma snaží, aby zaměstnanci byli co možná nejvzdělanější a mohli klientům poskytnout tu nejvyšší kvalitu a odbornost.

When you're not working, what do you do to recharge your batteries?

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I've been playing active football since I was a kid, so the choice of relaxation is quite simple and I relax and unwind best when "running after the ball". In general, however, I enjoy almost all sports, for example, among winter sports I am very fond of cross-country skiing. Recently I have also discovered the magic of traveling and I like to get to know foreign countries, their cultures, customs, etc. When I have the opportunity, I also like to go on trips around the Czech Republic with my girlfriend and our dog, because it is very beautiful here too.

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